Leadership Shawano County is a cooperative effort of the Shawano Country Chamber of Commerce and the UW-Extension of Shawano County. The goal of the leadership program is to build a pool of citizens with broad knowledge of ideas, issues and concerns faced by our local communities. It is hoped that as the participants become aware of the challenges and the many existing resources they will take leadership and active participation roles in helping to meet those challenges.
The Program requires the participants to meet one day per month over a nine month period. Topics include:
- Collaborative Leadership Styles
- Community Planning and Natural Resources
- Local, County & State Government
- Community and Economic Development
- Family & Diversity Issues
- Education, Youth & Lifelong Learning
- Health Care & Wellness
- Civic Renewal & Citizen Participation
For more information visit: www.leadershipshawanocounty.com
To print an application Click Here.
If you are a non-profit looking for assistance on a project from our LSC class members Click Here for information and a form to submit by Sept. 1.